Biyernes, Marso 01, 2013

Fiction: (A Mystery Short Novel)

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Murder Caza
by Erica Retuya
 I sprinted towards the nearest alley. The darkness had finally consumed the day and the pavement was wet and slick. His footsteps blared in the distance getting closer and closer with each ragged breath. The cold breeze coursed through my lungs as I deliberately ran as fast as I could. My heart was beating so fast and the adrenaline came rushing. But I kept thinking I’m going to beat this.
 I stopped and took a pause. I can hear the dripping water from the broken pipe but the sound of the heavy footsteps is long gone. Did he leave? Am I safe already? I kept on pondering while I’m trying to figure out why all of this must happen. I have never been at the brink of death in my 20 years of life and this is my first one.
  In the corner of my eye I caught sight of a tall and lean figure. He might be far away right now but soon he will be right in front of my eyes since he is walking in a quick pace. He was wearing a black hood and a .40 Beretta was holstered at his hips. I really thought I was safe earlier but this proves that I miscalculated it very badly.
 Instead of escaping I did not dare to move. I waited for him, not sure if this was a right idea. If I instantly run he might shoot at me. Staying still has the highest possibility of surviving. When he was few steps away from me he lowered his hood and revealed his face.
    This face, he was…….

3 days earlier

      Just like every other day everything is the same inside the house. Aunt Grace kept pacing back forth around the kitchen. She adopted me after my parents died in an accident right after my 1st birthday. I never really got to see their picture and nobody is willing to tell me what “really” happened to them.
I’m sure my biological parents still watch over me and they won’t be disappointed because I grew up with a loving family.
     Uncle Ryder is usually out in the morning checking the animals in our farm. The Reyes Family owns a 24 acre land. We have a small population here in Salmon Creek Town in California. Some of the townsfolk visit the farm whenever they can; especially the farm is open to anyone. The farm is surrounded with different oaks and sages. I usually stop by every afternoon to give myself a peace of mind.
“I can’t take this anymore Mildred. Where is Indie huh? Why didn’t she come home last night again” she said as the lines creased on her forehead.

  “I’m sure she’ll come home sooner. She stayed at Mike’s place last night. If I’m not mistaken, it has something to do with a project” I said shortly and Aunt shrugged in disbelief.
  Indie is actually my only friend in town. She is bubbly and an easy-going person though she always falls for the wrong person. I don’t usually associate myself with others. I’m aloof and I don’t do social talking. That’s just me. I feel different. I can hear things clearly from a far, see things thoroughly, run faster than ordinary and I can always think outside the box.

  Somebody pounded at the door. I was about to open the door when Aunt beat me to it. A shrill cry busted out and I saw Indie crying. Her face was pale, she seemed out of focus and frantic. Her eyes shifted back and forth. It was as if she had seen something horrible.

  “What is it that you saw?” I asked her in a soft manner. Aunt tried to calm her but Indie keeps on panicking.

  “A………. ma….n.. Killed, Mike… he is d..ead” she mumbled.

   Aunt Grace gasped. She tried to help Indie from her slumping position and guided her to the bedroom. When we reached the room Indie stopped sobbing and immediately headed to her bed. Then aunt told me to leave the room and let Indie alone first.

  It was Saturday so Uncle got home early in the afternoon. His expression turned grim when he heard the occurrence earlier. I walked towards them and told them that everything was going to be alright. Knowing them they would keep on blaming themselves if nobody reminds them that Indie is strong and she can go past that.

  A loud wail of a police siren came into the scene. Sets of police officers banged the door. “CPD, this is the police, I’m Detective Nate Burrows. We are arresting Indie Reyes for killing Mike Steiner. All evident points to her and anything you say will be used against you in the court of law.” he stated in an arrogant manner.

 Burrows, I think I might have heard the name somewhere. Right, he was the top in our school back then. I heard rumors about him but I’ve never seen him up close because he was three years older than me. But that didn’t mean I would bow down to him. I got accelerated and moved in an advanced class in a top secret agency. In fact I already have my badge; I just didn’t feel it’s the right time to use it.

  If I met him in the streets, I wouldn’t think he is a detective. Though my hair was a rich shade of raven-black his was gold spun. It adorned his white skin. His eyes were sky blue like the ocean and it can draw you in. He also had a straight nose and full lips similar to mine. As far as I can tell he’s 6’5 feet tall, unlike me who is 5’8 feet tall. I would call myself pretty tall but he is taller than me. You would probably think he was a model except for the fact that he was lean. Some other girls might drool at him but I didn’t.

 “You don’t have the right to do it; it is my daughter you’re talking about.” Aunt Grace said in a loud voice while Uncle tries to get a grip of her. The detective kept searching and never even bothered to stop.

 Since this case was leading to nowhere, I decided to take charge of it. The bastard won’t budge at all and this case seemed serious.

“Let me in the case. I’ll figure it all out” I blurted out. He seemed taken aback from my statement and he laughed hard as if I was telling a joke.

“I’m not kidding I’m betting my badge on it” I showed it to him and his face gotten serious all of a sudden.

“You’re from the special force. Are you sure you did pass it?” he told me in a playful manner.

“Weigh the facts detective. I’m sure you’re smart enough to know this is real. Except maybe you don’t use your brain after all. Why would I lie? Let’s say she’s family, don’t you think I know that you’ll have me checked in the database” I retorted angrily.

I think he got annoyed. Good, he got my point. “Fine with me”. ” But remember it’s my precinct, so it’s going to be my way.” he glared back at me and smirked.

 “Sure” I said as I stuck out my tongue. It gave him the message that I’m stubborn and he could not do anything about it. He shortly left after that, trying to look calm. He told us that he would be back the next day and he was leaving me in charge of interrogating Indie.

 Aunt and Uncle told me they were sorry for me being dragged into the difficult situation. But it was nothing compared to the gratitude I look up to, for taking care of me. I just said there was nothing to get worry about, my least way of comforting them.

  It was night and I headed to Indie’s room. She was tucked to the bed looking peaceful. She stirred after I sat on her bed. She smiled but I still saw the pain in her eyes. I tried to ask her what happened earlier but she kept on saying that she can’t remember anything. I didn’t push her anymore so I left her room and went to my own bedroom.

   Earlier when Indie came in, I tried to recall what where her actions seemed like. She has a slurred speech which concluded that she had been drugged. Somebody was trying to kill Mike and they didn't want to add up more body so they framed her. Whoever they were, they were smart. Her dress seemed out of place though. She used to wear bright colored shirts opposite to what she was wearing on the event of her outcry. It must have been one of Mike’s shirts. I felt something didn’t fit the puzzle.

  The next morning, Detective Nate arrived and took me to the crime scene. He showed no emotions at all the whole time and kept everything professional.

 We entered the Steiner’s house. His parents were currently abroad. There was no sign of forced entry or anything out of order. Everything was on proper places. The body was lying in the middle of the living room. The entire room was dull but there were comfortable, tan leather couches and a large display case filled with books. A girl is positioned beside him; she might be the medical examiner.

  “The main cause of death is poisoning. It looks like the poison works for only 10-20 minutes. There are some fresh wound on his shoulders and back, few cuts in the hands and an abrasion on his arm. He put up a fight before he died. That’s it for now. I’ll keep you posted after I get back to the lab” she said. She lifted her head then noticed me.

 She told me her name was Sylvia and I could feel free to ask her anything. From her looks she was probably in her mid 30’s. After talking to her I immediately looked for Nate. He kept on looking around the surrounding. Maybe he was analyzing and adding up the facts. This time he looked serious.

  He professed that this may be a lost cost. We didn't have any witness present and the prime suspect was drugged. We didn't have any other way to solve this case.

  I contradicted him saying he is a detective and he shouldn't lose faith. I even have to piss him to return him back to his senses.

 When I returned home, it was twilight. I reviewed the notes that Nate sent. We parted bickering but still working with him was not much of a hassle. Mike was a 18 year old guy, who would kill him?  I didn't know but I would soon. His time of death was between 1:30-2:00. The last person to see him was literally Indie but the person before Indie was a girl named Lei. She was 21 years old and lived 9 blocks away from the victim’s house. Before I completely surrendered myself to sleep, I made a note to interview Lei the next day.

 I woke up earlier than usual in the morning. Without taking breakfast, I headed out to Lei’s house. Her family was accommodating and had me in immediately. The living room was livelier than usual. It was decorated with different trinkets and lights. The pink paint made the surroundings vibrant. I sat on a comfortable sofa as Lei sat beside me as if she knew what I’m about to ask already.

“No, I didn’t kill him” she said in a frantic voice.

“Uhmm I didn’t ask you yet” I said.

“Somebody came here earlier. I know it looks bad but they came here yesterday about 8 in the evening and left about 8:30. We were friends; even my mom can confirm it. I swear I was here all night. Sleeping.” she tried to explain.

 There was a hint of lie on her face but maybe some of her statement might be true.

“And Mike got it coming. He was dealing with drugs and those guys might have killed him” she added.

“You saw them? What did they look like and when did it occur?” I asked continuously.
“I, uhh, yesterday or maybe last week. I don’t know. Look, I told you the truth shouldn’t you just question what the guys looked like?” she said as if trying to make a diversion.

“You stutter when you talk. I don’t know if I can trust you. Just tell me what they looked like” I said.

“There were two men. Tall and they were thin. The one was blonde and the other one was red headed. They got a crooked nose and a high forehead. They both have a tattoo of the world “Emblem” on their left hand. That is all I can tell” she said as she kept on stuttering.

I dismissed her and looked for her parents or anyone present in the house. I found her mother cooking up something. Her name was Gilda. According to her, Lei did stay in their house the whole night after Indie and Mike left. It wasn’t much of an interview so I headed out and found Lei’s Father, Dawn. He was holding a bright colored t-shirt. I recognize the t-shirt immediately, it was Indie’s.

I walked towards him and noticed he was crippled. I asked him why he was holding the shirt. He said he found it somewhere in Lei’s room. A man talking distracted me from asking more questions.

“What do we have here Greeny? You don’t even have the permission to do the questioning. I could remove you, you know.” Nate was really trying to taunt me.

 “You’re late I see. And it is not Greeny, I can’t believe you don’t even remember the names of your co workers” I said.

 “Wrong, I am not late because I already had a lead. I came here to check out if you weren’t bothering the household. By the way, I only said that your eyes have the shade of an emerald. I didn’t think you assume I’m calling you by your name. You want first name basis now?” he said while trying to prevent himself from laughing.

“Did you? Oh great, you didn’t have to pick me up you know? Shall we head out now” I stated while trying to put up a smile. We left the house and headed directly to the precinct.

 Immediately, I confronted Nate for the stunt he put up earlier. He said he already interviewed the two men who assaulted the victim. According to them they did went to Mike’s house last night but they swear they didn’t kill him. But there was still no proof that they didn’t do it. Aside from that Nate also found some DNA that belonged to Tessa and Will Herondaile.

 Well that was really suspicious since according to the database they were already dead.  It startled me into shock when it was revealed that they were also my biological parents. That afternoon, I put a calm face and headed out. Nate watched my expression as I left. He was also confused as I was.

 I reached home and immediately went to Indie’s room. I was not going to tell everybody what I’ve found out. It must have been a mistake somehow I hoped. Instead on contemplating about my parents, I talked to Indie. I tried to console her and urged her to remember. Anything, even the smallest detail that she might have gathered related to the case.

 After a few minutes, I gave up and bid my night to her. I walked to my room and rethought of everything happened. If they were alive they better show up now and explain their selves to me. I was hoping for a good reason why they were hiding.

The next morning, I tried to fix up myself. I hugged my Aunt and Uncle as I left the house in a hurry. I told them I already knew what happened how it happened.

 I entered Nate’s office and seemed like he wasn’t there. So I headed out and found them in the interrogation room. I heard they caught the real murderer. I waited for them to head out. After a while they headed out holding Lei in custody.

  I talked to Nate who is out of himself. I asked “Do you think it is her?” Then he shook his head. “The higher ups do not want to bail her out. They found some hard evidence against her. After they searched out her room yesterday, we found some bloodied clothes in her laundry. The blood matches up with Mike’s DNA. Also we rechecked the house some of the skin cells from the sofa matched up with hers 70 %. The two men confirmed that they saw her come out of the house. What do you think?”

I thought some of the words didn’t add up. “Then what were my parents doing there?” I muttered.
Lei headed out to the room crying. I went up to her and tried to lend my shoulders but she refused. I thought my conclusion might be right. “Lei I don’t think you killed him”

“But that’s only what you think” she said hysterically. She clearly believed she has no other way out of the situation.

 “Everyone listen up. It’s not Lei, you know why? It is in her eyes she lost somebody too” I said in a loud voice. Everyone looked at me. “Judging from the observations I made, Lei was the last person with Mike not Indie. You were having an affair with him weren’t you”. She nodded as if there was no choice but to admit the confession.

“I know that you exchanged your clothes with Indie and gave her some sleeping pills. You’ve done it on purpose to make it look like you never left the house. You carried her into your room and wore her clothes. You pretended to be her so you two can head out free. I’m pretty sure your mother wouldn’t notice because she never really checked out if the girl sleeping there in your room was really you. Then when you reached his place the two men confronted him and you got scared seeing him bloodied so you ran away. So you headed back home and changed clothes.” I said.

“How did you deduce all of that? You’re not some psychic?” one of the officers’s asked.

“Its within my brain. If Indie did come into Mike’s house that place won’t be dull as it is. She would have made it pretty and comfortable. Also the clothes that Indie wear were not usually black so I guess somebody must have changed her clothes. Now back to the story, you went home and I guess that was about 10:00. Your father was awaked that night and saw you dragging Indie, you told him she was drunk and so he helped you carry her to your truck. You promised him you’re going to send her home. But you didn’t send her. Instead you left her in Mike’s house where you saw him still alive but writhing. You were guilty about that, which is why you were stammering when I asked you about it.”

“Enough!”.” It is true that I betrayed Indie and yes I was a coward but I didn’t kill him. Let me go please” she pleaded.

 Nate let Lei rest for a while. He asked me if it wasn’t Lei then who could be it. I told him, is it the father or the mother? He remained still, still doubtful. Then he bent his head and said fess up.

 I knew it was the mother. That morning when I came up she wasn’t even cooking something up. She was destroying the evidence. The report says Mike died because of poison, particularly strychnine. The contents of the pot that morning was the food she gave to Mike. After she spotted her daughter, she also went out at 1:30. She approached Mike and made it look like she accepted him and gave him the food. That’s why some of the blood matched up with Lei. The father didn’t know anything at all.

Later that day we arrested the mother. It took a lot of coaxing before she admitted it. She can’t stand the thought of her daughter going with an addict. Much worse Mike tried to bribe her so she tried to make an action that night. The DA didn’t even give her any mercy from being so stubborn.

 I had no idea if the family would ever be able get out from the mess. I thought maybe they could. This was the first case I solved. I was contented that it ended. I sat in the chair and sighed. Nate came inside and gave me some coffee. At least he was in good mood that day so I didn’t dare to ruin that moment.

  I headed out. Then I realize someone was following me.

   I sprinted towards the nearest alley. The darkness had finally consumed the day and the pavement was wet and slick. His footsteps blared in the distance getting closer and closer with each ragged breath. The cold breeze coursed through my lungs as I deliberately ran as fast as I could. My heart was beating so fast and the adrenaline came rushing. But I kept thinking I’m going to beat this.

  I stopped and took a pause. I can hear the dripping water from the broken pipe but the sound of the heavy footsteps was long gone. Did he leave? Am I safe already? I ponder while I’m trying to figure out why all of this must happen. I have never been at the brink of death in my 20 years of life and this was my first one.

  In the corner of my eye I caught sight of a tall and lean figure. He might be far away right now but soon he will be right in front of my eyes since he was taking quick interchanging paces. He was wearing a black hood and a .40 Beretta was holstered at his hips. I really thought I was safe earlier but that proved that I miscalculated it very badly.
 Instead of escaping, I did not dare to move. I waited for him, not sure if that was a good idea. If I instantly ran, he might shoot at me. Staying still had the highest possibility of surviving. When he was few steps away from me he lowered his hood and revealed his face.

  The face, he was Nate.

“You scared the hell out of me” I said in between breaths.

“I had to do it you know, somebody is lurking out there following you. You have to go home with me or you’ll be putting your family in danger” he said.

 The involvement of my family made me shiver. Even if I didn’t want to go with him, I figured, I needed too. I called Aunt and told them the case was solved. Indie seemed herself, cheerful and kept telling me to introduce her to the Detective. Everybody was relieved and I told them not to worry.

 I went home with Nate. It was kind of awkward going with him since I didn’t know him at all. His apartment was so clean and everything was organized. You could easily tell it was his apartment because everything was black and white.

 I stopped analyzing the surroundings until my phone rang. It was an unknown number.

I answered it. Then something surprising happened. It was my mother, “my biological mother”. She told me she loves me but she can’t afford to show herself or endanger me. The Emblem is a secret powerful group of people who tested out drugs on different people. One of them was my father along with my mother. But they refused to do it. Even then the two of them were forced to receive an experimented drug but they took off and escaped. My mom was pregnant with me. They speculated that I would inherit some of the side effects and the Emblem would want to get a hold of me. That’s why they were hiding. If they caught sight of my parents then they would find me. They happened to be on the crime scene to protect me to remove my tracks. She then bid her good bye.

 Many emotions surged and I didn't know how I will handle them. Nate noticed me but I dismissed him. I said I’m feeling overwhelmed. He wasn't convinced but he let me off. Maybe this was why I was different; it was because of the X-drug. I knew everything they did was to protect me. I just wish they could protect themselves too.

 I took the spare bedroom and headed to bed. I cleared my thoughts for a while. All is right in the world again. This was just the beginning. I hope I could surpass them, the multitude of problems.

Author's note:

One of the random things I love to do is writing a short novel though I'm not that good. Anyway I made a novel about a girl detective discovering her true identity. I don't expect everyone to appreciate it, but I do thank the people who gave their time and effort to read this.

Genre: Romance, Mystery, Action

Miyerkules, Hunyo 27, 2012

Shounen Dolls

To those who likes fantasy and a light romance (manga genre's), you will like Shounen Dolls. At first it was just a same tell tale story something like that but the manga proves me wrong. It doesn't contain heavy dramas or complicated love story. This is a sweet story about Ageha ( Etou Ageha), successor of a family that makes doll for generations. She has a special abilty- which she inherited from her ancestors, to be able to hear and understand the feelings of dolls. She can also purify dolls that go rampant with the help of her two gorgeous dolls Leo and Yuki ( they turn into a human everytime Ageha kisses or shows affection to them). Don't worry it doesn't involve choosing between two guys even if Leo and Yuki cares for Ageha. Read it to find out. For your information this manga was already completed.

Hope this suits your preference.

Shounen Dolls by Hibiki Wataru

Slogan about Good grooming/ Proper Hygiene by Erica Retuya

" The way you present yourself is what people think about you. That's why proper hygiene shouldn't be neglected too"

 I know I haven't been blogging much because of too much work and school. Here is a slogan that talks about grooming or proper hygiene. I just want to share this, we were asked to make one and I tried searching an idea in the internet, unfortunately there aren't slogans or ideas that refers to good grooming or proper hygiene. Hope this gives you an idea.

Linggo, Agosto 07, 2011

A Freestyle Article

By: erica retuya

 You’re so close to me but still so far away. Every time I tried to reach you I always felt that there’s a wall that repels me. Every time I tried to talk to you, I always felt the pain that pierces my heart directly. All I hope is to get to know you better. I am trying to suppress my feeling all this time. What is it that I’m lacking off? Sometimes I wanted to hide in the depths of the world in shame.

Once in a while I was quite lost in a deep thought wondering if fantasy exists in the real world how would we react. A little while I thought maybe that’s how the real world works. Work harder and you’ll obtain it even though others of us were tempted by the evil force to do evil schemes.

Alas, as I was walking across the road I kept seeing an overpass that connects both ends of the path which made our life at ease when transferring from one end to the other end. I realized that maybe I was lacking of courage that I can call myself a coward and so I think that no matter what happens there’s still a bridge that connects the both of us like a twosome.

I never imagined that in every hardship there’s always a small hint of hope whether it is related to work, school, knowledge, money, business and every problem that you can mention right now. Be yourself, as others say there’s no wrong in making mistakes. In fact we learn from our mistakes. Now I must say farewell to my shyness and say hello to self-esteem and confidence. You may be far away right now but still I must walk that overpass in order to reach you in no time. I must be delighted that God lead me in a rightful path and prevent me from following the orders of the evil. Furthermore I was enthralled by you that is why I never lose hope. 

Sabado, Agosto 06, 2011

Limerick about friend or crush

By: Erica Retuya

Until last drop of light fades away
I lost my way
Even worse I can't locate the path
Even I can't compare it to math
However, God gave me you to save my day ..

Huwebes, Hulyo 28, 2011

Tula tungkol sa Wikang Filipino (Poem about Languange)

Wika sa Lupang Tinubuan
Sinulat ni  Erica P. Retuya

Nasilayan ang unang sikat ng araw
Sa piling ng langit na bughaw
Narinig ang wika, sa aki’y pumukaw
Sa damdaming sabik, pag-ibig na uhaw

Wikang Filipino sa aki’y naghatid pang-unawa
Karunungang dulot, sa kamangmangan ay lumaya
Saan man magpunta,sa usapin nakahanda
Magbibigay ngiti, sa katwiran ay sagana

Ngunit bakit tila pagpapaunlad sa wika,
Nawalan ng saysay, sa dayuhan humanga
Wikang hiram niyakap, mas binigyang halaga
Nasaan ang dangal ng bayang inalipusta?

Wikang magbubuklod sana sa bawat mithiin,
Ng mga Pilipinong tigib ng alalahanin
Kailan pa kikilalanin, kailan pa titingalain?
Kung hindi tayo kikilos ay walang mararating

Akagami no Shirayukihime Akward Moments